
Oxfam Intermón

What did we do

Creative Campaing

Art Direction


Social Strategy

Media Planning

A giant red flag for a giant gap.

A giant red flag

for a giant gap.

In Spain and around the world, the inequality gap is growing ever wider between those who accumulate the most wealth and those who barely make it to the end of the month. In light of this situation and coinciding with the World Economic Forum in Davos, Oxfam Intermón asked for our help to raise their voice and give the population an opportunity to join the well-known 'Tax The Rich' movement, demanding fair tax policies.

The idea was clear: we wanted to make noise through an impactful, recognizable message that would resonate with the younger audience, the ones who will be most affected by the country's inequality in the near future. That's why we decided to point out the behaviors of companies and billionaires ourselves through an icon that represents bad practices, initially associated with toxic love, and increasingly extended to any conduct that signifies "alarm": the red flag.

Vídeo de campaña


An emoji that conquered more than one format.

An emoji that

conquered more than

one format.

Under the umbrella of Tax The Rich, we appropriated a symbol intrinsic to digital culture and brought it into the offline world. And indeed, an issue as serious as socioeconomic inequality couldn't go unnoticed. When we saw such alarming figures, we had no choice but to raise the flag and turn it into a campaign. And into a banner.

The strategy was based on an action plan that included creating pieces for digital environments, both organic and paid, an informative and conversion-focused landing page, OOH designs, and a giant banner. All these efforts achieved more than 1 billion impressions and 6 million impacts thanks to messages that were strong, true, and most importantly, that resonated with the minds of people suffering from price and tax hikes, while the fortunes of the richest continue to grow.


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If you like our work,

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