

What did we do

Brand Positioning Strategy

Creative Concept

Art Direction

Graphic Design 

Web Development

Clowns, seriously.


This one time, the agency flooded with clowns. An expected funny group with an unexpected petition: to be taken seriously. So we took that petition and began the Brand Positioning Strategy for Pallapupas, the hospital clowns of  Catalonia. 

As we got to know each other more, we found out how their petition was less of their own particular interests and more about vindicating the profession of Hospital Clowns. To be perceived as the emotional care unit, capable of lightening waiting rooms, relief tensions and hospital anxiety. Their mission is to be considered as an essential service, allies of the medical teams and a right to the patient.

Their level of commitment toward emotional health inspired the idea of the first oath of the Hospital Clown. A twist to the Hippocratic Oath, the oath of ethics historically taken by physicians, but sworn by the most valuable thing a clown can have: their Palabra de humor(Spanish for Word of humor). 

Campaign video


Shares, laughs and other KPIs

The KPI of the campaign:
to reduce the anxiety
of our public.

This brand positioning strategy, like any other awareness driven campaign, was sought to be measured in views and impressions. But the giving nature of Pallapupas and the stories shared by the community, raised another kpi: sentiment. Support messages from medical teams and the moving testimonials of patients and families, shared in the comments became another storytelling asset that captured the heart of new donors. 

We made sure to include their stories in the landing page to help spread the word and keep raising awareness of the cause. We included statistical data on the impact of Pallapupas on the health of patients and the hospital environment, and enabled a section to help transform all support into tangible donations. Later, this page grew to become Pallapupas’ main website. Now displaying all ways of helping: their ecommerce, research papers, awareness data, testimonials and team. Everything in one place under the brand’s new claim: Reír para curar. (Spanish for Laugh to heal).

The KPI of the campaign:
to reduce the anxiety
of our public. The KPI of the campaign:
to reduce the anxiety
of our public. The KPI of the campaign:
to reduce the anxiety
of our public.

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If you like our work,

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